I Want To Build A Course WITH YOU!

A DONE WITH YOU Service To Create Your Online Course With AI

We’re going to work together with ChatGPT and Claude.AI to turn your idea into an online course that you can sell online. That includes, the online course research, the online course content, the Online Coures Marketing Emails, the online course sales page desciptions, event ideas for social media posts you can use to generate leads and build your email list.

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Here’s What You’ll Get During The Next 30 Days

I’m offering a truly personal approach to creating your first online course. Twice a week, I’ll be right there with you on one-on-one calls, guiding you through the entire process. Together, we’ll harness powerful AI tools to transform your expertise into engaging course content. From developing your curriculum to crafting compelling visuals, I’m committed to ensuring your unique voice shines through. This isn’t just about using AI – it’s about collaborating to bring your teaching vision to life. With my hands-on support, you’ll confidently navigate the course creation journey, resulting in a polished, professional course that truly represents you.

  • You’ll Get 2X Weekly Zoom Calls With Me
  • Personal 1-1 Approach
  • All the TrainingSites Videos, Courses, Checklists & Resources
  • Joint use of AI Tools
  • Working on your content, exprtise and style
  • Lot’s of support during the creation of your online course.

Let’s Get Started

Ready to revolutionize your online course creation process? Don’t let content creation hold you back from sharing your expertise with the world. Our AI-assisted service is designed to streamline your workflow, amplify your teaching style, and help you launch your course faster than ever before. From crafting engaging video scripts to developing comprehensive course outlines, we’ve got you covered every step of the way. Take the first step towards your successful online course today – book a free consultation to see how we can transform your ideas into a polished, professional course that resonates with your audience.