Cs of Campus Building 624x352 1 -

What I’m gonna do today is share with you the C’s of campus building. What I talk about on a regular basis is when you’re have an educations business, most likely you’re going to end up with a CAMPUS.

A complete learning environment and community where you can teach and share all of your experiences and be able to transfer that knowledge to get people to act on what it is that you’re trying to educate them with.

The 12 C’s

I use C’s because it keeps me on track for all of the different pieces that are included in a Campus. In the above video I go quickly through all of these C’s.

You can write them down, keep them in the back of your mind and just think, what should I be doing next? Or what am I missing?

Or what are the themes that I have to do? Or what do I have to provide to my students to make sure that they get the best experience? Okay, here we go. The seas of campus building. Well, what’s the very first thing? If you’re going to be building outta campus, the very first thing, of course, is gonna be some content.

You’re going to have to understand that there’s going to be a ton of content required, and obviously it’s content about the particular market or the campus that you’re building. But just remember, if you don’t know what to do, the very first thing to always keep in the back of your mind. Do I have the appropriate contact?

And more importantly, what content do I need to be creating to make sure that I can keep my customers and my clients engaged on my campus? Okay, the next thing you want to think about is courses. It’s a campus. You have to be able to have some courses to be able to teach people. And courses, courses, courses.

Not one course, multiple courses, not one big long course. Multiple mini courses. Always be thinking about courses. How can I break up? Cut, slice, dice. All of my information, all of the messages I’m trying to get across, how can I put them in different packets or different bundles that allow people to start, build and grow what it is that you’re trying to teach.

Next, you want to take a look at of course, cohorts and why cohorts, because standalone courses are never enough anymore. You have to make sure that you can put people in groups to work together toward a common goal or outcome. Have the same course at the same time, the same lessons, and work through it.

So really, really important. Not just a course, but think about how can I have timed courses where groups of people go together in the form of a cohort? What’s next? Well, we’re gonna have to think about classes now. Why is a class and a cohort, what’s the difference? It’s all about blended learning. If you think about now, some of the online courses that you go to, , there’s always more questions that, things that are missing, stuff changes quickly.

You’re gonna have to have blended classes. And what a blended class it is for online learning is that when you have those static video courses, text, audio, that may be in the form of you know, the online course, but you’re want to going to blend or include additional live instructor times with those classes or with those courses so that you blend it.

Blended learning. You’ve got both online, static learning, and then you’ve got active learning with those classes. So you got classes, what’s next? Communication on a campus, you have to make sure that not only the instructor able to communicate with the learners, but the learners should be able to communicate with each other.

So you’re going to have to have some way for people to friend each other. Message each. Converse back and forth discussion forms, all sorts of collab communication tools should be built into your campus. So if you don’t have that yet, think about it. How can I put it in? How can I make it part of the courses?

How can I make it part of the classes? How can I make it part of the cohorts? So what’s after classes you’re gonna wanna look at? Community at the end of the day, remember, a campus is a community of people who are striving or wanting to learn about something. So don’t just think of it as, I’m selling courses and I have a business.

Think about it. How can I grow a community and treat. And help a community, guide them through whatever it is that you are providing to them in terms of an education or any kind of training. How can I put them together so that I have some raving fans or people who are excited to get involved with what it is that I have to teach?

So always think community, community, community. Don’t forget about Betsy. What’s next? Competition. If you have a community, you’re going to want to gamify that community. And why? Because it keeps people engaged. Now, when I say competition, it doesn’t mean you have to have winners and losers. What it does is you have challenges for people so that they are enticed.

To strive for some kind of completion or involvement in the community. So think about how can I gamify, how can I challenge or make my challenges built into my campus and my community? Very, very powerful tool to keep people engaged after the fact. What’s next? Collaboration. Excuse me. That’s all about cohorts, right?

We’ve gotta be in a position where we can get people working together. It’s not one-on-one anymore. It’s everyone working together, collaborating and working towards an outcome together, sharing their experiences, sharing what they’ve learned and what their situation is with other members of the group and the community in the campus.

After that, we gotta focus. Calendar. That’s right. Events. It’s one thing to have classes, but you should have a public calendar so that people know what are the other things going on in the other groups or the other cohorts. So if you’ve got people in one set of classes or one kind of cohort, You’ve got another cohort or another group of courses, you should have a calendar where there are events that allow people to merge or mix between those two.

So this is in a class calendar only. It’s a an event calendar for your entire campus. So make sure you have one of those. What’s next? Customers. Now I have a C for customers, and here’s why. Remember, at the end of the day, even if you’re doing all of this stuff, if the information that you are trying to sell to people in your campus is not answering the questions that they have, they’re not going to be your customers.

So in as much as you get excited about something as the campus owner, you have to remember that these are customer. and students, if they’re not interested in taking your courses because you’re not answering your customer’s questions, the campus isn’t gonna work. So think of those students not only as students, but also of customers.

And why is it customers commerce? You’ve gotta have a way for people to buy stuff, and you have to make sure that you have additional revenue streams over and above commerce for the course or your. Huge opportunities for digital marketing, all sorts of additional products and services that are available, and you have to have that facility on your campus to take advantage of the income potentials in your education business.

What’s next? Consistency. Every campus has this set calendar of events and you should have all of the information, your courses, everything about what you’re doing on your campus should have some structure to it. Over time. You have to be consistent. It’s not a hit and miss, stop and start kind of program.

This is a lifetime commitment to educating your customers, so you’re gonna have to be consistent. It’s not something that you can quit on at some point. It’s not like a one time launch and then leave away. This is something that you’re gonna have to work on over time. Finally, it’s a commitment, not only a commitment from your customers and your students, but from you to be able to say, this is a business.

I’m going to treat it as a business, and I’m making a commitment to you, my customers, my clients, to take my courses and get the results that I promise. So at the end of it, if you don’t know what to do about your campus, about your courses, take a look at this quick map. I’ve included it below. It’s all about the Cs.

Just remember the C’s. If you can’t think of what you should be doing or what you should focus on, just remember there’s a bunch of C’s.

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