From Youtube Videos

This method will allow you to generate an original blog post of any length from a YouTube video.

There are two methods we can use here, one using a plugin called Voxscript, and one without.

No Plugin Method

This method can be used on ChatGPT 3.5 or 4, on the free or paid plan. Its biggest limitation is the length of video you can use. Typically videos of longer than 15 minutes will exceed the memory limit of ChatGPT.

  1. Find an appropriate video on YouTube, and find the ‘Show Transcript’ button. This will likely be accessed by the 3 dots * * * button below the main video, on the same column as the like, share, and download buttons.
  2. Copy the transcript into you clipboard.
  3. Head back to ChatGPT and enter the following prompt:

“I am going to paste in a transcript from a YouTube video below. I want you to generate an original blog post of [500] words using the information from the video. The content should be optimized for keywords [SEO keyword] and [SEO keyword]. Please use appropriate markdown.


VoxScript Plugin Method

This method allows you to use longer videos and is generally an easier process, however it requires a paid plan. You’ll need to use ChatGPT 4 and enable the plugin ‘Voxscript’

  1. Find an appropriate video on YouTube and copy the video URL.
  2. Return to ChatGPT and enter the prompt below.
