Sales Copy Prompts

✍️ Fill In The Blanks

  1. Our [insert product/service] is designed to solve [insert customer pain point], which we know is a major challenge for many of our customers in the [insert industry/field]. Write a sales email that highlights the key features and benefits of the product/service, such as [insert benefit 1] and [insert benefit 2], and explains how it can help our customers overcome their challenges
  2. Our sales team has been struggling to close deals with potential customers who are not yet aware of the benefits of our [insert product/service]. Write a sales email that follows the AIDA framework to grab their attention, create interest by explaining how our product/service solves their pain point, build desire by highlighting the key benefits, such as [insert benefit 1] and [insert benefit 2], and encourage them to take action with a clear and compelling call-to-action. Be sure to address any potential objections that may prevent them from taking action.
  3. Our latest product release is designed to solve a common pain point for our target audience, but we’re having trouble getting them to take action. Write a sales email that follows the PAS model to identify their problem, agitate the issue, and provide a solution that our product offers. Make sure to include [insert pain point], [insert agitation], and [insert solution] in the email. End with a strong call-to-action that encourages them to take action.
  4. Our company has just launched a new [insert product/service], and we want to create buzz among our customers in the [insert industry/field]. Write a sales email that highlights the unique features and benefits of the product/service, such as [insert benefit 1] and [insert benefit 2], and explains why it is a game-changer for our customers.
  5. Our company has just introduced a new product/service to our lineup that we believe would be a great fit for our customers in [insert industry/field]. Write a sales email that explains how our [insert product/service] can solve [insert customer pain point], and highlights the key benefits that would be most relevant to our customers, such as [insert benefit 1] and [insert benefit 2].
  6. We’ve been struggling to convert leads into sales with our current sales email approach. Write a sales email that follows the PAS model to get their attention, identify the problem they are facing, agitate the issue, and provide a solution that our product/service offers. Make sure to include [insert attention-grabber], [insert problem], [insert agitation], and [insert solution] in the email. End with a clear call-to-action that encourages them to take action.

⌨️ General Prompts

  1. “What are some effective ways to use storytelling in a sales email to engage the reader and create a connection?”
  2. “How can I showcase the unique features of my product/service in a sales email without overwhelming the reader with too much information?”
  3. “Can you provide tips on writing a subject line that grabs the reader’s attention and makes them want to open the email?”
  4. “What are some persuasive language techniques that can be used in a sales email to convince the reader to take action?”
  5. “How can I use humor in a sales email to make it more memorable and stand out from other emails in the inbox?”
  6. “Can you suggest ways to personalize a sales email and make the reader feel like it was written just for them?”
  7. “What are some effective ways to address objections or concerns that the reader may have in a sales email?”
  8. “How can I create a sense of urgency in a sales email without coming across as pushy or aggressive?”
  9. “Can you provide tips on how to write a compelling opening sentence that hooks the reader and makes them want to keep reading?”
  10. “What are some effective ways to use visuals, such as images or videos, in a sales email to showcase the product/service?”
  11. “How can I use social media in conjunction with a sales email campaign to increase engagement and conversions?”
  12. “Can you suggest ways to incorporate testimonials or case studies into a sales email to provide social proof?”
  13. “What are some effective ways to segment my email list and personalize my sales emails based on the recipient’s interests or behavior?”
  14. “How can I use data and analytics to improve the effectiveness of my sales email campaigns?”
  15. “Can you provide tips on how to write a closing statement that encourages the reader to take action without sounding too sales-y?”
  16. “What are some effective ways to use scarcity or limited-time offers in a sales email to create a sense of urgency?”
  17. “How can I use emotional appeals in a sales email to connect with the reader on a deeper level and make them feel invested in the product/service?”
  18. “Can you suggest ways to use interactive content, such as quizzes or surveys, in a sales email to increase engagement and conversions?”
  19. “What are some effective ways to use segmentation and personalization to re-engage inactive subscribers with a targeted sales email?”
  20. “How can I use A/B testing to optimize my sales emails and increase open rates, click-through rates, and conversions?”
