Text For Video Titles and Scripts

Find and research best performing titles from channels suscribed too. Try with the following tactics to re-use them.

Add Year to TitleStarting a YouTube Channel in 2024 (15 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started…)
Make More Niche Specific8 Faceless YouTube Niches XXXXXX Should Always Avoid (and 4 of the BEST)

Adapt To NicheMy Biggest Advice For ‘Starting, Stopping, Beginnig, Mastering’ xxxxxxxx
10 Simple ‘Hacks, Habits’ for XXXXXX
If I were ‘starting, thinking about, worrying,’ in 2024 this is what I’d do
How To Reinvent XXXXXX. in x time (my simple process, in x steps)
Differentiated TitleComplement
Nobody told me
I never knew
…. in less than

Video Intro Hook

Only have 30 seconds. Must be compelling and animated. Animated editing or engaging talking head.


  • Introduce yourself.
  • Introduce any company
  • Ask to subscribe

There are generally 5 Hook types:

  1. Ask a question that I know for sure my viewer is asking and searching for when they are on youtube.
    • eg. If you want to know the best way to create online courses with the least amount of work you’ve got to watch this next video.
  2. Point out mistake
    • If you are a bit older wanting to earn some money (to share your experience) from what you already know and thinking all this technology is hard your wrong. Watch to find out.
    • What you learnt last year won’t work this year.
  3. Big Opportunity
    • if you don’t have a way to teach online already you are missing out on the fastest way to earn money from what you already know. Watch and find out.
  4. Calling out a mis-conception
    • if you think doing x is hard today you’re wrong.
  5. Highlight the result that I know they want.
    • If you want to know the fastest way to teach online (xxxxx) then you’ll want to watch this.

Ending Every Video

Try to end every video with 2 keys.

Forcing the Playlist: Anytime you add a URL to play or be embedded anywhere add the youtube list ID to the URL. This forces YOUR additional videos to play immediately after.

Specific Video Prompt: Always recommend give an end page point or link to the next video they should watch in the series. This is done with the Youtube end screen option


If you or someone else still has tons of questions about earning money, building a sidehustle, teaching online, creating online courses, building a membership site… ( getting paid for sharing what you already know and do) watch the next video and join the Teach online campus at https://trainingsites.io
