Blogging Prompts

✍️ Blog Fill In The Blank Prompts

  1. “I need a blog post that discusses the benefits of [fill in the blank] for our target audience. Please write 800 words and include at least 4 subheadings. Use keywords [keyword 1], [keyword 2], [keyword 3] and ensure that the post is engaging and informative. Please ask me any questions you like before you begin.”
  2. “Please write a blog post that reviews [fill in the blank] for our readers. The post should be 700 words long and feature a catchy headline. Use keywords [keyword 1], [keyword 2], [keyword 3] to optimize the post for SEO.”
  3. “Can you write a blog post that explains how to [fill in the blank] for our readers? Please write a post that is 900 words long and includes at least 5 subheadings. Optimize the post for keywords [keyword 1], [keyword 2], [keyword 3] and make sure it is easy to follow.”
  4. “We need a blog post on the topic of [fill in the blank]. Please write a post that is 600 words long and includes 3 subheadings. Use keywords [keyword 1], [keyword 2], [keyword 3] and make sure the post is well-researched and insightful.”
  5. “Please write a blog post that provides tips and advice for [fill in the blank]. The post should be 800 words long and feature at least 4 subheadings. Use keywords [keyword 1], [keyword 2], [keyword 3] and ensure that the post is informative and actionable.”
  6. “Can you write a blog post that compares and contrasts [fill in the blank] options for our readers? Please write a post that is 1000 words long and includes at least 5 subheadings. Optimize the post for keywords [keyword 1], [keyword 2], [keyword 3] and make sure it is well-researched and objective.”
  7. “We need a blog post that addresses the common mistakes people make when [fill in the blank]. Please write a post that is 700 words long and includes 3 subheadings. Use keywords [keyword 1], [keyword 2], [keyword 3] and make sure the post is informative and helpful.”
  8. “Please write a blog post that showcases real-life examples of [fill in the blank] in action. The post should be 900 words long and feature at least 4 subheadings. Use keywords [keyword 1], [keyword 2], [keyword 3] and ensure that the post is engaging and informative.”
  9. “Can you write a blog post that discusses the latest trends and developments in [fill in the blank]? Please write a post that is 1200 words long and includes at least 6 subheadings. Optimize the post for keywords [keyword 1], [keyword 2], [keyword 3] and make sure it is well-researched and insightful.”
  10. “We need a blog post that offers a step-by-step guide to [fill in the blank]. Please write a post that is 800 words long and includes 4 subheadings. Use keywords [keyword 1], [keyword 2], [keyword 3] and make sure the post is easy to follow and actionable.”

⌨️ Blog General Prompts

  1. “I’m struggling to come up with blog post ideas for my [niche]. Can you suggest 10 potential topics?”
  2. “I’m writing a blog post on [topic]. Can you review my outline and suggest any changes or areas to expand on?”
  3. “I want to make my blog posts more engaging. Can you suggest some storytelling techniques I can use?”
  4. “I need help optimizing my blog posts for SEO. Can you provide some guidance on keyword research and placement?”
  5. “Can you provide some tips for writing effective headlines and subheadings for my blog posts?”
  6. “I’m struggling to write intros that capture readers’ attention. Can you suggest some strategies for writing effective intros?”
  7. “I want to include more visual elements in my blog posts. Can you suggest some types of graphics or images I could use?”
  8. “I need help with the overall structure of my blog posts. Can you suggest a template or framework I could use?”
  9. “Can you provide some tips for writing in a more conversational tone for my blog posts?”
  10. “I’m not sure if my blog posts are too long or too short. Can you provide some guidance on ideal length for different types of posts?”
  11. “I want to include more data and statistics in my blog posts. Can you suggest some sources I could use to find reliable data?”
  12. “I need help with formatting my blog posts. Can you suggest some tips for using bullet points, numbered lists, and other formatting elements?”
  13. “Can you provide some guidance on how to write blog posts that generate more comments and discussion?”
  14. “I’m looking to expand my blog’s reach. Can you suggest some guest blogging opportunities or other strategies for increasing traffic?”
  15. “I want to make my blog posts more shareable on social media. Can you provide some tips for optimizing posts for different platforms?”
