Content Marketing Prompt

This is a series of prompts regenerated from Wes McDowels powerprompts. I asked chat GPT to recreate them specifically for online course creators.

Homework Prompts – Complete Before Using the Content Creation Prompts

Preparatory Prompt 1: Define Your Niche and Goals

Prompt for User: “Please provide a detailed description of your educational business’s niche and the specific goals you aim to achieve with your upcoming content. Include any specific challenges or objectives you hope to address through this content.”

Preparatory Prompt 2: Identify Your Target Audience

Prompt for User: “Describe your target audience in detail. Include demographic information, interests, educational background, and any particular needs or preferences they have that should be considered when creating content.”

Preparatory Prompt 3: Establish Your Brand Voice and Style

Prompt for User: “Define the consistent brand voice and style you want to maintain across all your content. Describe the tone, language, and key messaging elements that should be reflected to resonate with your audience.”

Preparatory Prompt 4: Review Existing Content

Prompt for User: “Provide examples of your current content that aligns well with your brand’s voice and style. Identify what you consider successful about these examples and any areas for improvement.”

Preparatory Prompt 5: Determine Content Types and Formats

Prompt for User: “List the types of content formats you are planning to produce (e.g., video tutorials, online courses, interactive quizzes, YouTube scripts). Specify any particular content delivery platforms (e.g., YouTube, your own website, educational platforms) and any technical or format requirements associated with them.”

Preparatory Prompt 6: Feedback and Interaction Mechanisms

Prompt for User: “Outline the methods you currently use or plan to use for collecting feedback from your audience. How do you intend to use this feedback to adjust or improve your content?”

Using these preparatory prompts, you can collect all the necessary information needed to effectively apply the content creation prompts. This approach ensures that each piece of content is well-informed, strategically aligned with business goals, tailored to the audience, consistent in brand voice, and optimally formatted for engagement and interaction.

Course Content Prompts

Content Outline Creation Prompt

“I run an educational platform specializing in [your niche, e.g., digital marketing, software development] and primarily create content like video tutorials and YouTube scripts. We’re planning to expand our library with new video tutorials and lesson series.

We need to develop a detailed and engaging outline that aligns with our brand voice for an online course or YouTube video titled ‘[specify the title]’, focused on [specify the topic].

This content is designed for [describe your audience, e.g., beginners in digital marketing, intermediate Python programmers]. Ensure that each key point includes:

  • Potential visual aids or media enhancements.
  • Interactive elements like quizzes or polls for YouTube viewers.
  • Specific instructions for integrating these visuals into the video.

Outline Structure:

  • Introduction: An engaging start that sets the tone and connects with the audience’s level of understanding.
  • Key Points: List main ideas with a brief summary, detailed subtopics, visual suggestions, and CTA elements like prompts to subscribe or engage in comments.

Remember to maintain a consistent brand voice throughout and keep the audience’s understanding level in mind. Provide feedback mechanisms for audience interaction.”

Enhancing Content with Visuals and Engagement Strategies Prompt

Revised Prompt for OpenAI Assistant:

“For the online course or YouTube video titled ‘[specify the title]’ on [specify the topic], we need to enrich the content with compelling visuals, media, and interactive elements tailored for [describe your audience, e.g., aspiring artists, tech enthusiasts].

Visuals and Media:

  • Suggest types of images, diagrams, or video clips that resonate with our target audience.
  • Describe how these visuals should be integrated and presented within the content to maintain engagement and clarity.

Audience Engagement:

  • Propose methods to make the content more interactive for viewers, including interactive polls or video cards.


  • Draft a closing that summarizes key messages and encourages viewer action, like subscribing or sharing.

Additional Notes:

  • Recommend any unique content presentation ideas that make the course or video captivating.
  • Ensure consistency in brand voice and tailor content to the audience’s understanding level.

Your creative input is essential for producing content that not only informs but also engages and captures the attention of our audience.”

Actual Content Creation Prompt

Revised Prompt for OpenAI Assistant:

“Based on the detailed outline we’ve developed for the online course or YouTube video titled ‘[insert your course/video’s title]’, let’s begin crafting the content. We’re targeting [briefly mention the target audience], and the content should be in [mention the desired tone, e.g., friendly, professional].

Content Creation:

  • Start by writing the Introduction, using a powerful hook to grab attention.
  • Proceed to the first Key Point, integrating storytelling with visual cues on when to introduce specific visuals or on-screen text.

Use storytelling techniques, such as personal anecdotes, metaphors, and vivid descriptions, to make sections engaging and relatable. Include clear directions for visual content integration, maintaining a consistent brand voice, and tailor the presentation to the audience’s level of understanding.

Focus on these sections for now, ensuring each part aligns with our brand and effectively engages our audience. Await further instructions before proceeding with subsequent sections.”

These revised prompts now include elements to enhance visual integration, maintain brand voice consistency, and ensure content is tailored to the audience’s understanding level, making them more effective for creating engaging online courses and YouTube video content.

Original Versions Generated:

Prompt For Niche Background

Prompt for OpenAI Assistant:

“I run an educational business specializing in online course creation, focusing particularly on [specific subject or skill, e.g., digital marketing, programming, etc.]. We are dedicated to enhancing the learning experience through engaging and informative video content. We’re looking to expand our library with new video tutorials and lesson series.

I need your help to generate 30 dynamic and relevant video content ideas that align with our educational themes and resonate with our target audience of [describe your audience, e.g., aspiring professionals, beginner coders, etc.].

Please organize these ideas into a table with the following columns: ‘Suggested Topics,’ ‘Brief Description,’ and ‘3 Possible Titles.’

  • Suggested Topics: Identify key topics that can broaden our instructional offerings and add depth to our existing catalog.
  • Brief Description: Offer a succinct summary that includes a unique angle or approach for each video, making it compelling for someone browsing through thumbnails.
  • 3 Possible Titles: These titles should be eye-catching and optimized for thumbnail visibility, crafted to attract viewers at a glance by highlighting the immediate benefits or intriguing aspects of the video.

Your input is vital for us to produce content that captivates and educates our audience, helping our brand stand out in the bustling online education landscape.”

Prompt For Brand Friendly Results

“Hi, I’m developing content for online courses and YouTube videos focused on [your niche, e.g., graphic design, personal finance]. I’m looking to refine our content’s voice to make sure it’s true to our brand and engaging for our audience.

Please review the tone and style of the examples I provide and note the following:

  • Formality: Is the style formal or informal?
  • Emotion: What emotions are most prominent?
  • Word Choice: Are the words technical, simple, or specialized?
  • Sentence Structure: Are the sentences mostly long and complex or short and snappy?
  • Distinctive Elements: Any unique elements like humor, quotes, or specific storytelling techniques?

Summarize your findings so that AI tools can easily understand and emulate this style in future content. Include examples to clarify the styles and tones.

Our audience consists of [brief description of your audience, e.g., young professionals interested in upgrading their skills]. This helps in tailoring content that meets their expectations.

Please analyze the following content: [Insert the text or links to the content you want analyzed]”

Prompt For Content Outline Creation Part 1

“I need to develop a detailed and engaging outline for an online course or YouTube video focused on [your niche, e.g., digital marketing, software development]. The topic is [specify the topic], and the title is [specify the title].

This content is designed for [describe your audience, e.g., beginners in digital marketing, intermediate Python programmers].

Please craft the outline with the following elements:


  • Create a captivating opening that introduces the topic clearly and aligns with our audience’s level of knowledge.

Key Points

  • List the main ideas or sections of the content:
    • A brief summary of each key point.
    • Detailed subtopics or aspects under each main point.
    • Include questions or perspectives to consider, reflecting our audience’s preferences and interests.
    • Recommend real-life examples or case studies that are relevant to our audience and reinforce each point.

This outline will guide the creation of our online course or YouTube video, ensuring it’s structured effectively to engage and educate our audience comprehensively.”

Content Part Two

“For the online course or YouTube video titled ‘[specify the title]’ on [specify the topic], we need to enrich the content with compelling visuals and interactive elements tailored for [describe your audience, e.g., aspiring artists, tech enthusiasts].

Visuals and Media

  • Suggest types of images, diagrams, or video clips that resonate with our target audience and enhance understanding of the key points.
  • Describe how these visuals should be integrated and presented within the content to maintain engagement and clarity.


  • Draft a compelling closing that summarizes the key messages and motivates the audience to take action or reflect deeply on the topic.

Audience Engagement

  • Propose methods to make the content more interactive and absorbing for the viewers. This could include questions to ponder, interactive polls, or direct calls to action that encourage viewer participation.

Additional Notes

  • Recommend any unique writing styles, storytelling techniques, or content presentation ideas that would make the course or video more captivating for our audience.
  • Your deep understanding of [your niche] is crucial in creating content that not only informs but also truly engages and captures the attention of our audience. Your creative input is essential to ensure that the content we produce is both valuable and intriguing, perfectly tailored to our audience’s needs.”

Create Content Section by Section – Prompt Sequentially

“Based on the detailed outline we’ve developed for the online course or YouTube video titled ‘[insert your course/video’s title],’ let’s begin crafting the content. We’re targeting [briefly mention the target audience], and the content should convey [mention the desired tone, e.g., friendly, professional, enthusiastic].

Please start by writing the Introduction, using a powerful hook to grab attention and set the context for the topic. Then, move on to the first Key Point. Employ storytelling techniques to make these sections particularly engaging and relatable. This can include:

  • Personal anecdotes that relate to the topic, drawing from your expertise as a professional [your job title].
  • The use of metaphors, similes, and vivid descriptions to clarify complex concepts or draw parallels that will resonate with our audience.

Begin with the introduction, crafting an opening that captivates our audience right from the start. After establishing the stage for the topic, proceed to elaborate on the first Key Point, integrating storytelling elements to keep the audience engaged while clearly and effectively delivering the information.

Please focus on these sections only for now. I’ll guide you on when to proceed with the subsequent parts.”

This version of the prompt is specifically tailored for creating engaging and contextually rich content for online courses or YouTube videos. It emphasizes starting strong with an engaging introduction and seamlessly integrating storytelling techniques to enhance the educational content, making it resonate better with the intended audience.
